Sunday, December 6, 2009


Per Sarah's request...the next post is about work. And I just so happen to have pictures for this one. I schedule all the door production for work and so I work with the door guys a lot. They make it their goal in life to give me grief and do anything they can to be pains in my butt. One of the guys, Nick, was on a kick and was zip-tieing EVERYTHING of mine he could find.

my business cards to the holder...
my phone to the clip...

my pen to the arm of my chair...not sure why on this one?

my staple remover...shut. not much use for it now...

my stapler...shut. not much use for this either...

I kept finding more and more things that they had zip-tied. I thought I had found them all until I went downstairs to clock-out and go home and found this...


Allison said...

I approve of all the new posts and I especially like this one! Your co workers crack me up!

Sarah said...

...can you say misuse and waste of company property!? :)