Sunday, January 25, 2009

It's official...I hate the economy.

So, we found out earlier last week that Sio was going to lose his job. They gave him 2 months and said that would be the end of it. They are down-sizing a lot. Turns out they didn't want to wait that long after all. They ended up laying him off a few days later on Thursday.

This came as a huge blow, since this year we are trying extra hard to save any extra money that we might have for Tonga. It also sucks because we finally had insurance and I was finally able to start going to the doctor for my medical problems. Now we have until the end of January and it's over with.

I figured hard times would come, not only because of the economy, but because me and Sio are trying to get our lives together and get to the temple in 7 months. Seems that the adversary always tries harder when you try harder. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, I just wish the trials didn't come in this form. I'm just crossing my fingers and praying that he finds a new job soon and that we won't have to feel like we have to start selling our possessions off one by one.

If anyone knows of any job openings, let us know for sure. And please also keep us in your prayers.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Oh Heidi... my heart hurts for you. You are exactly right, the trials will come as you try to get yourselves to the temple. Don't give up. Check out LDS Employment... they have a ton of listings for new jobs and I am sure Sio can find something. We have been stuck because of the temporary nature of our employment needs. Dang economy!